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Tongue tied - Stevenson Richard - Страница 43

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But of course. "I'll say this much for Plankton," I told Timmy. "He's a vile sham, but he's nimble."

"The kidnap victims' rehab camp," Timmy added, "is going to be called Camp Babette, after Plankton's fiancee. Oh, and the Bush campaign is going to make a cash contribution to the camp, and if Bush is elected, they said he'll be there for the grand opening."

"At least we don't have to sweat that," I said. "Gore's got it nailed."

Timmy parked the car and said, "Come on in the house, and maybe if I work at it I can talk you into writing messages on me for a change."

I said it wouldn't take much.

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Stevenson Richard - Tongue tied Tongue tied
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