Английская грамматика с Васей Пупкиным - Городнюк Наталия - Страница 29
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(+) I + to have got + a good job.= I have got a good job. – У меня есть хорошая работа.
(-) I + to have + not + got + a good job.= I have + not + got + a good job. – У меня нет хорошей работы.
(?) To have + you + got + a cat? = have you got a cat? – У тебя есть кот?

Тип 50. To have got + noun.
Приложение 1. Ответы к блоку 3
Тип 1 Can + simple infinitive (to do/to be/to sing) Физическая способность, умение в настоящем времени.
1. Can you help me?
2. You can sit down next to me.
3. Can he come tomorrow?
4. Can she sing songs?
5. Can you bring me my book?
Тип 2 Сan + simple infinitive. (to do/to fly). Высокая вероятность события в будущем.
6. You can come to the park in the evening.
7. He can’t fly to Moscow in such weather.
8. An upset child can leave the house.
9. My baby can start to walk in a month.
10. You can’t do all the homework for the next lesson.
Тип 3 Can + continuous infinitive (to be washing, to be going etc.)
11. They can be walking in the park.
12. My son can be doing his homework.
13. Can she be skiing?
14. My husband can’t be repairing his car.
15. Can my mother be preparing dinner?
Тип 4 Can + инфинитив «недействие»
16. They can be in the theatre.
17. My grandfather can’t be at the hospital.
18. Can he be an actor?
19. My mum can be in the shop.
20. Our cat can’t be pregnant.
Тип 5 Особый случай can – два в одном: вопрос и отрицание
21. Can’t you buy some milk?
22. Can’t he leave?
23. Can’t bears sleep during the summer?
24. Can’t the train arrive on time?
25. Can’t he love her forever?
Тип 6 Could + simple infinitive (to do). Первое значение: вероятность
26. He could jump higher.
27. They couldn’t leave in such terrible weather.
28. Could you treat him like a brother?
29. I couldn’t care less.
30. Could you help me?
Тип 7 Could + simple infinitive (to do). Второе значение: физическая реальная возможность в прошлом, умение
31. He could visit me yesterday
32. You couldn’t afford to buy a car.
33. I am glad they could come.
34. She could move to the USA last year.
35. My grandmother couldn’t cook.
Тип 8 Could + инфинитив «неглагол»
36. You could be a doctor.
37. The gift from you could be expensive.
38. Such expensive ice-cream could be very delicious.
39. This book could be interesting.
40. Such film could be very popular.
Тип 9 Must + simple infinitive
41. He must clean his room.
42. Each driver must know the Highway Code.
43. You mustn’t be late.
44. Must she take these medicines?
45. We must hurry.
Тип 10 Must + continuous infinitive
46. He must be swimming now.
47. My parents must be waiting for the train now.
48. She must be finishing her work now.
49. He must be washing the dishes at the moment.
50. They must be reading books in the library now.
Тип 11 Must + perfect infinitive
51. He must have locked the door.
52. My mother must have cooked dinner.
53. He must have painted a new picture.
54. She must have been very beautiful in her youth.
55. The children must have fallen asleep.
Тип 12 Must + инфинитив «недействие»
56. You must be a great actor.
57. Any woman must try to be a good mother.
58. My son must be in the college now.
59. They mustn’t be afraid.
60. Must we be silent?
Тип 13 Should + simple infinitive
61. He should ask his chief about that.
62. You should arrive at the airport at 5PM
63. She shouldn’t walk alone at night.
64. Should I talk with my parents?
65. Should we give money to the poor?
Тип 14 Should + continuous infinitive
66. He should be working right now.
67. She shouldn’t be raising such a heavy bag.
68. They should be buying a car now.
69. You shouldn’t be listening to him now.
70. The doctor should be visiting his patients.
Тип 15 Should + perfect infinitive
71. You should have read this book.
72. She should have come back home at 10PM
73. My grandma shouldn’t have baked so many patties.
74. The taxi driver should have driven faster.
75. They shouldn’t have bought such a cheap car.
Тип 16 Should + not + contunuous inf
76. Shouldn’t she be relaxing by the sea?
77. Shouldn’t they be going home right now?
78. Shouldn’t your daughter be passing exams now?
79. Shouldn’t he be helping his brother now?
80. Shouldn’t the plane be taking off right now?
Тип 17 May + simple infinitive
81. He may come an hour later.
82. Children may not play alone outside.
83. May I stay with my aunt for the whole weekend?
84. Elephants may weigh up to seven tons.
85. The doctor may begin to carry out/ perform the operation.
Тип 18 May/might + инфинитив «недействие»
86. This game may be very interesting.
87. The cat may be hungry.
88. She may be alone this evening.
89. This book may be familiar to you.
90. The summer may be very short this year.
Тип 19 May/might + continuous infinitive
91. He may be playing tennis right now.
92. A crocodile may be swimming next to riverside now.
93. They may be singing in the choir tomorrow.
94. She may be sunbathing on the beach right now.
95. She may be reading this book for the whole next week.
Тип 20 May/might NOT + simple infinitive / perfect infinitive
96. She may not have been clever at school but she was very beautiful.
97. The monkey may not be very friendly now but she is very funny.
98. She might not have sung brilliantly but she won the award.
99. He may not have been too nervous but anyway he was very excited.
100. I may not be very communicative but I am very kind.
Тип 21 May/might + perfect infinitive
101. They may have returned home.
102. The rain may have stopped.
103. The students might have passed their exams.
104. He may have fallen asleep.
105. He might have bought that car.
Тип 22. Shall + simple infinitive
106. Shall we watch this film?
107. Shall I go there?
108. Shall I make the sound louder?
109. Shall I ask my parent’s for permission?
110. Shall we leave right after the play?
Тип 23. Will/ would + simple infinitive
111. She will read the same newspaper every day.
112. The train for Moscow would always arrive in time.
113. Everyday he will travel to work for a long time.
114. They would build such houses in two months.
115. Every weekend my parents will go to the country and spend a lot of time there.
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