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Американская женщина вчера и сегодня - Кирьянова Ольга Глебовна - Страница 51

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Holmstrom L. The Two-Career Family. Cambridge, 1972.

Mary G., Hatch D. Problems of Married Working Woman in a Man-Made World. Chicago, 1972.

Oppenheimer V. The Sociology of Women’s Economic Role in the Family // American Sociological Review, 1977, III.

Peggy M. A Woman’s Work Is Never Done. Cambridge, 1971.

Ray L. The American in Mass Media: How Much Emancipation and What Does it Mean? // Toward a Sociology of Women / C. Safilios-Rothsehild (Ed.). Lexington, 1972.

Russianoff P. Why Do I Think I Am Nothing without a Man? N. Y., 1982.


Andrews L. Embryonic Technology // Parents, 1981, V.

Andrews L. Inside the Genius Farm // Parents, 1980, X.

Costello J. Cabbage-Patch Fever // Parents, 1985, VIII.

My First Barbie // Parents, 1982, V.

Симонов В. Homo technicus от рождения // Литературная газета, 1986, 30 июля.

Бесправное право на труд

Babcock В., Freedman A., Norton Е., Ross S. Sex Discrimination and the Law. Boston, 1975.

Bird C. Born Female. N. Y., 1969.

Cahan V. The Feminization of Poverty: More Women Are Getting Poorer // Business Week, 1985, 23.I.

Frug M. Securing Job Equality for Women: Labour Market Hostility to Working Mothers // Law Review (Boston), 1979, I.

Gest T. Battle of the Sexes over Comparable Worth // U. S. News and World Report, 1984, 20.II.

Gillis P. Your Legal Rights during Pregnancy // Parents, 1980, II.

Hackner A. Women vs. Men in the Work Force // The New York Times Magazine, 1984, XII.

The Job Issues of the Eighties (Wage, Discrimination) // Ms., 1982, II.

Lives in Stress: Woman and Depression / D. Belle (Ed.). S. 1.: Beverly Hills Sage Publications. Inc., 1982.

Zah M., Moots P. Women and the Politics of Culture. N. Y.; L., 1983.

Whitehurst С. Women in America: The Oppressed Majority. Santa Monica: Goodyear, 1977.

Why Do Women Earn Less than Men // Changing Times, 1984, IV.

Беднейшие из бедных // Советская Россия, 1986, 24 мая.

Офенстейн Ш. В профсоюзах громче звучит голос женщин // Америка, 1975, Февраль.

Феминизация нищеты в США // За рубежом, 1985, № 11.

Против «лазутчиков из мира официальной лжи»

Beasby М., Silver Sh. Women in Media: A Documentary Source Book. Washington, 1977.

Blakhan R. Women’s Press Plays Vital Role // Guardian, 1972, 16.VIII.

Broyard A. Woman as Stud.: An Inquiry into Fem. Lit. // Mademoiselle, 1974, VII.

Green Mountain Censor Go after Ms // Wilson Library Bulletin, 1974, IX.

Fader. S. Hitting the Myth about Mss at Ms // Writer Digest, 1975, XI.

Hole J., Levine E. Rebirth of Feminism, N. Y, 1971.

Howard P. Ms. and Journalism of Women’s Lib. // Saturday Review, 1972, 8.1.

Martin J. Sex Roles and Life Styles: There She Is Miss America // Life Styles Diversity in America Society / S. Feldman, G. Thielbar (Eds). Boston, 1972.

The New Feminism // Ladies’ Home Journal, 1970, VIII.

Sisterhood Is Powerful / R, Morgan (Ed.), N. Y., 1970.

Sobran M. Inside Ms. Of Ms. and Men // National Review, 1974, III.

Syllabus Sourcebook on Media and Women / D. Densmore (Ed.). Washington, D. S.: Women’s Institute For Freedom of the Press, 1980.

Women’s Lit.: The Feminist Press // Newsweek, 1971, 26.IV.

What’s Been Happening to You in the Last 10 Years… // Ms, 1982, VII–VIII.

Кто она, девушка «Космополитена»?

The Beefcake Mags // Newsweek, 1973, 28.V.

Brown H. New Direction for Cosmopolitan // The Writer, 1965, VII.

Brown H. How to Write Articles for Cosmopolitan // The Writer, 1980, X.

Buckley W. You Are the More Cupcakeable for Being a Cosmopolitan Girl // National Review, 1970, 22.IX.

Chase C. What Do You Say to a Naked Man? // Redbook, 1974, IX.

Ephron N. Helen Gurley Brown only Wants to Help // Esquire, 1970, II.

Green B. Bachelor of the Month // Esquire, 1981, VIII.

Harrington S. Two Faces of the Same Eve: Ms. Versus Cosmo // The New York Times Magazine, 1979, 11.VIII.

Humor and the Single Girl: (Cosmoparody) // Fortune, 1984, 17.IX.

Jacoby S. Crucial Sexual Dilemmas of the Eighties // Cosmopolitan, 1986, VII.

Jacoby S. The Sexually Assertive Woman: Balancing Act of the Eighties // Cosmopolitan, 1986, VII.

McCracken E. Demystifying Cosmopolitan: Five Critical Methods // Journal of Popular Culture, 1982, Fall.

McKenney M. Cosmopolitan and Redbook. N. Y., 1972.

McNeil J. That Cosmopolitan Girl // The New Yorker, 1973, 16.VII.

Olson K. Thirty Ways to Beat the Blues // Cosmopolitan, 1986, I.

Viva-Viva? // Time, 1973, 24.IX.

О чем мечтать «деловой» американке?

Cagan Е. The Selling of the Women’s Movement // Social Policy, 1978, V–VI.

Eby Sh. Does He Love You or Your Money? // Working Woma, 1981, I.

Ehrenreich В. I Thought I was Doing Fine until I Read Your Magazine… // Working Woman, 1981, V.

Glazer N. Overworking the Working Woman: The Double Day in a Mass Magazine // Women and Media, S. 1.: Pergamon Press, 1980.

How Fast Can You Double Your Money? // New Women, 1979, I–II.

Investing in the Working Woman. // The Washington Post, 1976, 27.X.

Kronholz J. Though More Women Work, Job Equality Fails to Materialize // Wall Street Journal, 1976, VII.

Letters on our Fifth Anniversary // Working Woman, 1981, XI.

Lusting W. True Confessions: What Women’s Magazines Did for Me // Glamour, 1982, III.

Magazines Targeted at the Working Woman // Business Week, 1980, 18.11.

Magazines That Mirror Women’s Success // Business Week, 1982, 11.I.

The Real Dress for Success Story // New Dawn, 1979, II.

The Right to Be Your Own Boss // New Women, 1979, I–II.

Self’s Winning Pitch for Women Readers // Business Week, 1981, 8.VI.

Stead B. Real Equal Opportunity for Women Executives // Business Horizons, 1974, VIII.

Старые иллюзии в новой упаковке

Carmody D. Women’s Magazines Are More than Fashionable // The New York Times, 1978, II.

Ceulermans M., Fauconnier G. Mass Media: The Image, Role and Social Conditions of Women // Unesco, 1979, N 84.

Douglas S. Do Working Wives Read Different Magazines from Non-working Wives? Journal of Advertising, 1977, Winter.

Fenn D. Fashion Magazines: 99 Ways to Increase Your Insecurity // The Washington Monthly, 1981, IV.

Flora C. Changes in Women’s Status in Women’s Magazine Fiction: Difference by Social Class // Social Problems, 1979, VI.

Hearth and Home: Images of Women in the Mass Media // G. Tuchman, A. Danials, J. Benet (Eds). N. Y., 1978.

Liberating Magazines and Women’s Lib. // Newsweek, 1971, 11.II.

Magazines Fight It out at the Check-out Counter // Business Week, 1974, 30.III.

One Conversation Pope Never Had // Newsweek, 1980, 24.III.

Nobile P. Worry Lines at the Women’s Magazines // New York, 1981, 14.V.

Prisco D. Women and Social Change as Reflected in a Major Fashion Magazine // Journalism Quarterly, 1982, Spring.

There’s New Life in the Mass Magazines: They Focus on Food, Sex, Home // Business Week, 1973, 17.X.

Tuchman G. Women’s Depiction by the Mass Media // Sings, 1979, Spring.

Scheherazade of the Slicks: Wrapping Up the Real Stories // The Washington Post, 1976, 11.X.

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