Забавные истории котенка Рэдди - Пучкова Юлия Яковлевна - Страница 1
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Дорогие ребята!
Всего год или два назад вы узнали английский алфавит, потом прочитали первые английские слова, и вот наступил новый этап в овладении вами иностранным языком. Вы начинаете читать книги на английском! И это здорово!
Истории котёнка Рэдди написаны специально для вас. Главные герои книги — забавные котята: два брата и сестра. Я уверена, что вы полюбите умную, трогательную Пинки и доброго, озорного Рэдди. Может быть, не всем вам понравится Блэки. Но не забывайте, что он ещё совсем маленький котёнок, и у него вся жизнь впереди, чтобы стать мудрее и добрее.
Читайте и улыбайтесь! Проделав упражнения, предложенные после каждой главы, вы будете приятно удивлены, обнаружив, что стали чуть-чуть лучше говорить, чуть-чуть лучше разбираться в грамматике и научились отгадывать загадки на английском языке. Вы узнаете много новых слов и без труда запомните их, поскольку будете встречать их на протяжении всей книги то в одной, то в другой главе. И я точно знаю, что, прочитав эти истории, вы не остановитесь на достигнутом, а вооружившись новыми знаниями, возьмётесь за следующую, более трудную книгу и так далее.
Счастливого вам пути в прекрасный мир английского языка!
Перевод заданий к упражнениям
About you. — О тебе.
Answer the questions. — Ответь на вопросы.
Choose right. — Выбери правильно.
Circle the odd word. — Обведи не подходящее по смыслу слово.
Complete. — Дополни.
Fill in. — Вставь.
Match. — Подбери пару.
Match the opposites. — Соедини противоположные по смыслу слова.
Put the sentences in the correct order. — Расставь предложения в правильном порядке.
True or false? — Верно или неверно?
What is it? — Что это?
I. A Puzzle

Look! This is Pinky. She is white, but her ears and nose are pink. And that is Blackie. He has got a grey body and a black tail. They are very nice and they are my sister and brother. They are my friends, too. And this is me. I am Reddy. I am red, and red is my favorite color. We are kittens and we are little.
We have got a mother. But she is not with us now. She is with her sister. Mrs Paw visits and helps us. She is our mum's friend.
It is sunny today. We are in the garden now. Pinky is on the swing. She is swinging. Blackie is in an armchair. He is reading. And I am in a tree. I am watching the birds.
Pinky is very happy and she sings.
"Please, Pinky, don't sing!" says Blackie. "I can't read!"
"Don't read," says Pinky. "Listen to my song."
"But I want to read," says Blackie.
"And I want to sing!" says Pinky.
Pinky sings and Blackie is very angry. He takes his radio and turns it on.
Now Pinky is angry. She can't hear her song. She jumps down, comes up to Blackie and turns the radio off.
"Why are you doing that?" she asks. "Can you read when the radio is singing?"
Blackie looks at her and says:
"I can't read when the radio is singing. But you can sing when I am reading. That is not fair. But now I can't read and you can't sing. It is fair."
I, Reddy, don't like when my friends are not happy. I climb down the tree and go to them. I come up and say:
"Pinky, you can sing in the house. Then Blackie can't hear you and he can read. Or Blackie, you can read in the house. Then you can't hear Pinky and she can sing in the garden."
Blackie and Pinky are nice kittens.
"OK, I am going into the house," they say together.
1 Answer the questions.
1. Who has got pink ears?
2. What colour is Blackie's tail?
3. What is Reddy's favorite color?
4. Is their mum with them now?
5. Where is she?
6. Who helps the kittens?
7. Where are the kittens?
8. What is Pinky doing?
9. What is Blackie doing?
2 Match.

3 True or false?
1. Pinky has got a book.
2. Pinky has got a radio.
3. Reddy does not like when his friends are not happy.
4. Blackie and Pinky are in the house.
4 What is it?
1. It can sing. You can listen to it. You can turn it off.
2. It is big or small. You can read it.
3. It is in the garden. You can sit on it and swing.
4. It is long or short. You can sing it.
5. It is tall or short. You can climb it up and down.
II. A Nice Day
We are in the house today. It is raining.
Pinky likes the cupboard. Now she is sleeping in the cupboard. Blackie likes the sofa. Now he is sitting on the sofa. I like the chair. Now I am playing with my tail under the chair.
"Can I play with you?" asks Blackie.
"But I am playing with my tail," I say. "I can't play with my tail and with you."
Blackie is sad. He wants to play and he plays with his tail.
Pinky wakes up. She comes out of the cupboard and looks at us.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
"We are playing with our tails," we answer.
"But it is not good. Can't you play together?" asks Pinky.
"How can we? Reddy is playing with his tail and I am playing with mine," says Blackie.
Pinky thinks and thinks and she says:
"You can play together. You, Blackie, can play with Reddy's tail. And you, Reddy, can play with Blackie's tail."
"You are very clever," Blackie and I say.
Pinky is very happy. Blackie and I are happy, too. Now we are all playing together. Pinky is playing with my tail, I am playing with Blackie's tail and Blackie is playing with Pinky's.
What a nice day!
1 Answer the question.
1. Where are the kittens?
2. What is Pinky doing?
3. What is Blackie doing?
4. What is Reddy doing?
2 Match.

3 Fill in: am, is, are.
1. We _____ in the house today.
2. Blackie _____ sad.
3. I _____ playing with my tail.
4. You _____ clever.
5. Blackie and I _____ happy.
4 What is it?
1. There are cups and plates in it.
2. It has got four legs. You can sit on it.
3. It is big. You can sleep on it.
4. Animals have got it. It is long short.
III. An Apple Ball

It is autumn. It is September. It is Pinky's birthday today. She is eight months. She has got two presents: Blackie's present and my present. Blackie's present is a small red ball and my present is a box of chocolates. Mrs Paw visits us in the morning. She gives Pinky a big birthday cake and goes home because she has got a baby son there.
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