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Человек и дельфин - Лилли Джон Каннингам - Страница 36

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49. Scholander P. F., Schevill W. E., Counter-current Vascular Heat Exchange in the Fins of Whales, J. Applied Physiology, 8, 3, November (1955).

50. Scott R. F., Scott's Last Expedition, Beacon Press, Boston, 1957. (Последняя экспедиция Р.Скотта, Гос. изд. геогр, лит.,М.,1955.)

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53. Spitz R., No and Yes, International Universities Press, New York, 1957.

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55. Tavolga M. C., Essapian F. S., The Behaviour of the Bottle-nosed Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): Mating, Pregnancy, Parturition, and Mother-Infant Behaviour, Zoologica, 42, Part 1, May 20 (1957).

56. Tinbergen N., The Study of Instinct,Oxford University Press, London, 1951.

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61. Robertson R. B., Of Whales and Men, London, 1956.

62. Rasmussen G., Personal communication.

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